Jumat, 14 Desember 2007


The-Red-BLOG: "health and safety to work


soybean cake nope, if computer monitor, [releasing] radiasi which can make our eye become quickly fatigue? So, we can lessen this radiasi with installing filter [in front/ahead] of [screen/sail]. Besides, filter also can make appearance [in] [screen/sail] become nicerly. its problem, filter can improve colour contrast rate. more than anything else filter also protect [screen/sail] of dirt and also incision.
and which nope less important [is] monitor position. higher [screen/sail] position kalu of eye, usually our neck get sick. so also rendag rebih kalu. its profit, monitor of LCD era now, can be arranged [by] its height and can also diheser according to desire of us. can be made [by] as comfortable as possible with position sit us

2.Copy of holder

what [of] copy of holder?
so, this object function to place document paper which we will copy or computer type document position which snugly will lessen stress [at] part of neck. our eye also become nope too busy must make a move ngelirik to right and to is left, more than anything else paper position kalu of cukupjauh monitor denhan. model copy of holder, can be placed beside or [in] monitor deoan, and also stand up separately

3. Chair

paying attention yours computer chair! don't during the time you [is] pegal-pegalkarena form w"